Sunday, July 7, 2013

The HCG Diaries; My Journey on Becoming Skinty!: Healthy Breakfast for Everyone!

The HCG Diaries; My Journey on Becoming Skinty!: Healthy Breakfast for Everyone!: Healthy breakfast is so important, simply because it's the most important meal of the day. Eating right is what makes you feel good and...

Best Way to Lose Weight is More Than Just a Diet Trend!

The best way to lose weight has been argued for centuries, although I would have to admit that in earlier times people ate better and lived longer. Why? They didn't have fast food and most individuals lived off of their own land.

In a a day an age when there is a fast food joint on nearly every corner, and most folks live in the city, how can you really eat better? If you truly don't grow any of your own food at how, how do you know what you are buying is good enough for you and your family?

Although I've talked about the best way to lose weight before, I want to talk about this again, and how you can have success while coming up with a viable solution that you and your whole family can follow.

Best Way to Lose Weight is by Starting Small

Losing weight is something that American has been talking about for years, not to mention that number of books, videos, and training offers that are out there today. 

Whether or not you choose to join a gym is up to you, but really, weight loss starts in your kitchen. This is truly about getting better overall nutrition on a daily basis with the use of:
  • Organic foods versus processed 
  • Use of organic vitamins and vegetarian capsules 
  • Putting the focus on nutrient rich foods, whether fruits or vegetables

These small changes will equal big results now and long term. It's the long term results that you are looking for and the only way to have SUCCESS is to be consistent. This means that you should probably:
  1. Talk to your doctor before you embark on a diet of any kind 
  2. Chart what you eat and drink daily 
  3. Find an accountability partner 
  4. Write down your goals 

When you do this, you'll find it easier to do, and you'll be on cloud nine once you have achieved your goals. It's all about making small changes as I mention above first, and by charting and tracking everything, along with an accountability partner. 

Some of you will be just fine on your own, but if you feel you need some added help, there is no harm in finding an accountability partner for your journey. It's honorable to share what you are doing with someone, and then asking them to be with you along the way so that your entire journey is transparent! 

Make sense? 

Eating Healthy and Focusing on Positive Thinking is the Best Way to Lose Weight 

Eating healthy at every meal is important, but it is important that you don't skip your breakfast. The first meal of the day is just like a positive thought, as it will set the tone for the rest of your day. 

If you eat a healthy breakfast and you load up with healthy proteins, then you'll be just fine on your journey for the day, and you'll find that you'll naturally eat less, no fat burners needed! 

I hope that this article on the best way to lose weight has been helpful, and that you'll check back often for more helpful tips on nutrition, diet, and personal development too!