Friday, May 25, 2012

HCG Days 1 & 2 with Homeopathic Drops

Hey all, I have been gone for awhile, and for those of you who have followed this blog before, you know that I enjoy a good holistic diet. I decided that in my adventure in the course of writing this book, The HCG Diaries, that I owed myself and those around me a shot at the drops too. So, here we go! Days 1 & 2 To give you a bit of background on the HCG Diet, it starts with 2 load days of 5,000 calories per day. You eat as much as you want, whatever you want. Some folks don't make it to 5,000 calories but they probably get pretty close! Why is this important? It helps to build the fat stores in the body, and with 2 days in a row of gorging, day 3, the first day on 500 calories per day is a welcome change! For starters, you bloat horribly, and there is plenty to eliminate, enough said. Day 1 for me on the low calorie diet was welcomed incredibly this time, and I had to make an effort to eat. The difference versus the injections? Simply put, injections are easy to administer, and you always get the right dose, however, the new drops have added aminos, making them the perfect solution for hunger control, and of course metabolizing fat as HCG does anyhow. Day 1 this round started off with a half apple at 10 am, lunch at noon with 3 grams of free-range chicken, and 3 grams of cucumber. The idea is to eat lean protein, but with your meat or animal protein source, free-range is always best. I eat organic only, so having a place I can always shop is fantastic. They see me coming, and they already know what I need. Day 1 for dinner was a free-range beef patty, and it involved a sliced tomato.I love my vegetables which is nice, considering the low calorie portion of this diet is restrictive. However, the drop with aminos, make it easy with tremendous hunger control, which is really psychological when following a rigid plan like this. Day 2's results were in, first thing in the morning with the weigh in. Yes,4 pounds down already. Most of that is water when you start, however, bear in mind that the caloric trigger is what puts your body into fat burning mode. I usually call it flipping the switch, and flip the switch I did! Isn't metabolism a great thing? Lean protein was in order, and I followed the same meal plan. Yes, I love chicken, and at some point I will eat some white fish, and mix it up with a meal that is mostly egg whites, but you get the idea. I closed out the day with a half apple, so now I am ready to sleep. Until tomorrow, eat well, sleep well, and live well! Much Love, Tammy Coffin-Hana

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